Petition To Stop Peeple App


Petition to stop peepleThe Washington Post just published a full-length article about a new app called ‘Peeple‘ that it described as “basically Yelp, but for humans”.

Due to it’s open nature that allows anyone to rate anyone else, many fear that it could significantly hurt far more people than it helps.

The primary danger is that anyone who doesn’t like you, for whatever reason, can give you bad reviews. Companies will then see these ratings and fire or not hire you because of them.

If we are able to get 1,000 signatures signed, the app will be blocked from the Apple app store.

Please sign the petition below if you want Peeple blocked!

Stop Peeple Now!

This petition is now closed.

End date: Oct 08, 2015

Signatures collected: 456

Signature goal: 1000

456 signatures

Signature goal: 1000


