This Weekend’s Historic Blood Moon Could Mean The End Of The World


last-blood-moon-of-2014If you missed the 3 blood moons over the past couple years, be sure to set your alarm – the last and most significant blood moon is about to happen tomorrow night.

The historic series of lunar events will wrap up with the final blood moon of 2015…and possibly the final blood moon of the world.

This series of perfectly timed moons (lining up with historic Jewish and Mayan festivals) is the first time in over 400 years that 4 blood moons were visible in such a short amount of time.

UpcomingRedMoonsThis weekend, most of United States skies will be clear to allow for an incredible view of the blood moon. If you can wake up during the predawn hours of Monday, trust us, it will be worth missing a couple hours of sleep.

The current series of blood moons and solar eclipses have been spectacularly beautiful astronomical events over the past couple years.

The tetrad — or four consecutive and complete lunar eclipses occurred at approximately six-month intervals, according to NASA lunar eclipse expert Fred Espenak.

bloodredmoon03“The most unique thing about the 2014-2015 tetrad is that all of them are visible for all or parts of the USA,” Espenak said in a statement.

The full eclipse is known as a “blood moon” because, NASA explains, the sunset red glow that rings the Earth as it blocks the light from the sun is cast upon the moon. During a total lunar eclipse, the moon is entirely immersed in Earth shadow, and can take on a dusky “blood red” color due to the scattering of sunlight through the edges of Earth’s atmosphere. Such moons are sometimes nicknamed “Blood Moons.”



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